Hello everyone, ProtoZero here.
I will be providing a nice strategy for the Midnight Blade
EDIT: Sorry for the Wall Of Text, wrote a lot more than expected.
UPDATE: Using this build, I was able to reach Six Paths Sennin in Arena. From Kage 1 Star I kept using this build with slight modifications.
UPDATE 2: Mystery Skill usage to maximize dps.
This is mainly focused around Arena PVP as I havent been as powerful as the other players in the regular world. I am currently sitting at 3 Star Kage in arena. Although using this lineup at 6.6K power, i managed to beat another user in ranked with 8K power. Claiming their spot at 240, which was about 200 ranks higher than mine.
I havent played this game before July 20th, so my knowledge isnt complete, but I think I have a good grasp of how to be sucessful considering my ranks.
I also didn't spend any money on this game aside from $1 USD to attain Gaara at 2 stars.
Required Ninjas
Midnigh Blade (obv), Sai (Ranked Shop), Kabuto (Survival Trails Shop), Kakashi (7 Day Login)
The placement of the ninjas is as follows:
Midnight Blade Talents
Choice of Talents and Ninjas Explaination
In order to be sucessful in the arena, staying healthy was very important. Thus I had to include a healer. My choices wereShizune, Kabuto, or Sakura.
Since our main character focused on knockdown skills, we narrowed the choice down to Kabuto or Shizune as they can both chase knockdowns and cause High Float. We'll leave it at that for now, Kabuto/Shizune.
Next we needed someone that chases High Float. My choices were Kakashi, Lee, Anko, Kidomaru, or Gaara.
I chose Kakashi because he could chase High Float cause Low Float, and then chase Low Float again to causeKnockdown. It's important to note that he can cause (create) 2 different forms of Crowd Control (CC), Paralyze and Ignite at the same time.
So now, we have Kakashi, Midnight Blade, and the choice between Kabuto/Shizune.
I finalized the team with Sai because of his ability to flood the field with Kabuto.
Sai, Kabuto, and Kakashi can fill up the last 5 open spaces on the first turn, this provides a lot of extra defence against auto attacks, and Mirror Genjutsu which I will talk more about later.
With Sai, he can chase Knockdown and cause Repulse. which our Midnight Blade can Knockdown again. Also, Sai can guarantee a High Float attack when he has two lions on the field. Which can start our combo.
With this build, each character, except for Kabuto, is capable of starting THE 6 hit combo. "THE" because they CC with Paralyze and Ignite. You can place this build inside the simulator to see the combos for yourself.
The build is very simple. There are 2 skills which can trigger the combo on a specific ninjas if necessary. Summoning the lions also have more auto attacks. They suprisingly deal quite a bit of damage. Plus having the top row full, will essentially nullify the enemy's top row auto attack. I actually got to Kage 3 Star using auto for most of it. Unless it's a very close battle, I sometimes take manual control, but there isnt much to control.
I created this build as a direct counter to the Mirror Genjutsu from the Scarlet Blaze and Kurenai. I got really annoyed because my combos would aways get stopped by my own paralyze. This build counters the mirror jutsu by flooding the field. When I attempt to CC the enemy team, the mirror will only reflect one of the CCs. Either Ignition or Paralyze, depending on the combo sequence. Now because we have potentially 5 other targets to choose from, the mirror jutsu may not land on my ninjas. Instead, they will either ignite or paralyze one of the clones. Since there are 5 clones and only 4 ninjas, It's more probable that my ninjas dont get CC.
Here is a link to the video I made. I didnt realize there was a competition, so it covers mostly everything. I just wrote this guide to enter the competition
I saw a few people using this guide and there was one thing that i forgot to explicitly point out. In this team, there are 2 target skills. The main's Chidori Blade - Shadow, and Kakashi's Earth Style - Fanged Pursuit Jutsu. There is a "semi" targetable trigger on Sai based on his placement.
You have up to 2 chances each turn to trigger the combo. Once with either target skill, and once with Sai's auto attack. Because BOTH Midnight Blade's skill and Kakashi's skill are 2 round cool downs, you dont want to use them both on the same turn. You want to alternate the usage of the skill to maximize dps. Keep in mind the aoe damage from your main's skill can finish off low hp players on the side while triggering the combo on a health enemy.
To know more details, please check the following thread in our forum:
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