Level 55
Lineup: Guy, Naruto, Neji
Lineup position
Recommended Talents
Round 1: As soon as Neji enters the field, seal Tsunade.
Round 2: Don’t use your Mystery skill jutsu yet. Use Standard attacks and combos to defeat Tsunade in the next round.
Round 3: Use Neji’s Mystery skill jutsu to continue sealing Tsunade, he has to be in front of Tsunade when she uses her Reserve Seal! Try to not lose anyone until the end of Round 4, next is Katsuyu.
Katsuyu enters the match after Tsunade’s defeat
Round 1: In this round, hold on to your Mystery skill jutsu. Continue with just Standard attacks.
Round 2: Use Neji to immediately stop Katsuyu’s AOE attack. Here you have to act quickly. You can use Guy’s skills to take a lot of Life out of Katsuyu. Then if possible, use Naruto’s Rasengan.
Important: Every 2 rounds Neji can stop once the AOE attack of Katsuyu. Neji with 1 or 2 stars are both OK for this level.