Level 50
Lineup: Neji, Arima, Kankuro
Lineup position
Recommended Talents
Round 1: After the enemy’s Neji has attacked, let your Neji use Mystery skill jutsu to end Lee’s Mystery skill jutsu. Otherwise, it would be difficult to continue. Kankuro will attack Lee. The rest depends on whether Neji’s 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation can stave off standard attacks. Do over if you fail.
Round 2: The enemy’s Guy and Neji release Mystery skill jutsu. Azure Fang’s Mystery skill jutsu deceives Neji’s, and Kankuro instant kills Lee. Then Guy attacks and causes massive damage. But as long as he doesn’t use critical attack, Azure Fang won’t die. Tenten probably won’t have much Life left by now
Round 3: Neji’s Mystery skill jutsu ends Tenten’s skill. Arima instant kills Tenten. The rest is yours.