Level 45
Lineup: Tayuya (2 stars), Naruto (2 stars), Kankuro (3 stars)
Lineup position
Recommended Talents
Kankuro has to be 3 stars. You might need some luck to pass Level 45, but you just have to try as many times as it takes.
Round 1: As soon as the round begins, enemy Temari will launch Mystery skill jutsu on you. You have to stop this so that you still have some Life left over for the next round. Temari’s Mystery skill jutsu is rather high. Use Crimson Fist’s Mystery skill jutsu to stop her skill. Naruto combo hits Kankuro. Others use standard attack. Kankuro’s Puppet is too weak. Dies at just a touch.
Round 2: Use Kankuro to launch Puppet Summoning – Crow or use Tayuya to cause Sleeping.
Round 3: Crimson Fist is probably dead by this round, so have Naruto terminate Temari with Rasengan. You can also have Tayuya control and kill the enemy Kankuro.
Round 4: Gaara will attack you. If you don’t kill him, you’ll die, so use Tayuya to cause Sleeping. Then you’ll just have to kill Gaara and the enemy’s last unit.