Wind Element Talents

Wind Element Talents (Breeze Dancer) can be divided into 3 groups: mystery skills, standard skills, and passive skills.

Skill Name Level Gained Skill's Attributes Chase Conditions Cooling Time Cooling Approach Chakra Consumption Additional Status
Hurricane Jutsu Lv1 Ninjutsu, Wind Prompt 2 rounds - - -
Cause Wind attribute Ninjutsu damage to the selected enemy and [High Float].
Giant Rasengan Lv25 Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Wind Prompt 4 rounds 1 round 40 Repulsion
Cause Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage and [Repulse] to the entire enemy team. The Repulsed enemy may cause damage to its rear rank. After using the skill for 2 rounds, it will start to cool off for 4 rounds.
Dance of Impetus Lv45 Ninjutsu, Wind Prompt 3 rounds 1 round - -
Reset mystery cooling round for your own entire team except yourself, and cancel all [Debuffs].